Thursday 17 March 2016

Parade Colour

I have coloured in the parade.

I'm feeling it.
FINALLY I have a promotional image identity type thing that I'm not ashaaamed to show to people.
I went with my colours at the minute, which are primary colours, and a touch of green for good measure.
Primary colours are so nice
They're so beautiful in like a totally not try hard way.
Not like gold and lilac and stuff they know theyre pretty
Yellow is just happy being who he is.

I digress.
This will spread through all of my branding because it demonstrates my work with character, colour and humour and type and all that what not. It will need variations though.

Here it is heading my website rather spiffily.

Maybe I could animate it
Probably not now that would take forever
Nah the motion is in the image.
Maybe the horn is too tight to the banner pole though.

Note: Adam's bookmark to the Star Wars Battlefront Forum

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