Thursday 17 March 2016

My job

This is where I work. 

It is quite a strange place because its an emergency dentists and out of hours doctors, so everyone I speak to is either ill or in pain and therefor not usually pleasant.
Also people come in and throw up into sick bowls in the waiting room (despite the toilets being right in front of them) or they'll have like massive facial swellings from dental infection and people get sent to a and e constantly and sometimes they get carried out on a stretcher and god its grim
But everyone who works there is very nice, they're all like proper people who do this all the time and have mortgages and kids and stuff, its a radically different environment to that of an art college.
Like at college no one bats a lid if i wear blue socks with dogs on them, it doesn't even enter into the public consciousness, but at work there have been lengthy discussions about my clothing choices, and I have been actively trying to dress in an acceptable manner with very limited primary colours.
It is a very motivating job because while its nice to have as a part time thing (mostly because i get to sit down) the thought of being there permanently and having to deal with those rude and ungrateful patients EVERY DAY makes me want to curl up in ball and weep/die
I'll keep this job on though until I get a proper creative job or become sufficient illustrator because I find when I get back home I'm bursting with the impotence to create stuff and I'm filled with pent up weirdness and basically make noises for like an hour but its liberating and helpful to the drawing, its like IM HOME BLAHAHR PAINT PAINT SCREAM GARGLE PAINT DRAW FUNNY LEGS 
So yeah its not bad

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