Wednesday 16 March 2016

Mural Briefing

So after some deliberation I decided to attend the mural briefing, despite my mounting piles of work to-do.
Frankly I regret it slightly.
Although I'm not sure what I was expecting
Anyway the first hour was a marketing woman from plusnet talking about plusnet's highly reductive marketing.
Basically BT bought them and they decided to whore out the Yorkshire stereotype, which I always find particularly irritating, but more so in this scenario.
They use the assumption of the Yorkshire people being simple and honest and create a trustworthy brand front of people that are far too well meaning and non-complex to fathom how to screw you out of your money.
We all live in humble stone cottages in the rolling hills and keep pigeons and subsist on tea alone and say ee by gum to communicate any emotion.
Anyway they want a pretty picture, preferably Yorkshire themed but it apparently doesn't have to be, to put on the big ugly and very shadowed wall behind their Leeds building.

The next bit was Pete Barber indulging in himself for the better part of two hours.
He annoyed me because he was clearly in love with himself and kept going on about how much he knows about paint and how he jsut wants to be the greatest painter ever(which is not much to ask really is it nahh), and ALL HE DOES IS COPY OTHER PEOPLES WORK ONTO BIG THINGS. Hack fraud. It irritated me a lot, because you don't deserve to be so self important if you are literally like a photocopier that can transfer onto walls and cars. No way man. I wouldn't mind if he weren't so incessently boastful, like if he said yeah I paint stuff onto walls that other people did, no biggy, but he basically took all the glory for all these other illustrators because he used some fancy ass paint to transfer it onto a ferarri. Half way through I began to get really irritated, particularly as there was lots of work I would've been doing had I not made the heinous error of attending this briefing, so I started inventing some heady leggy musical instruments to quell my frustration. 
At one point he did show us some of his own work and it was horrible, truly cementing in my perceptions of him and his integrity as an artist. It was that kind of work that was everywhere in like 2004 with a line drawing of a pouty California girl in aviator sunglasses and a halterneck top, with splashy garish colours all over the top.
Here I found one

So when he eventually got round to talking about the actual brief and not himself it turned out the part with him involved was us working together to make a boardroom camel of a mural design that he can go and paint and take the credit for like he did with all the other nameless artists he's worked with.
Also Paul told us later that this guy had taken the credit for the stuff Paul did at light night last year which just angered me more. 
So when he eventually called a short intermission in the endless soliloqy of the life and times of Pete Barber I chose to not return. 
And I am contented with that decision. 
The end 

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