Tuesday 19 April 2016

UAL Children's Book thing

I emailed about a call for a childrens book illustrator on the UAL oppurtunities site a bit ago, got this response back, which is probably my nicest rejection yet because it contained actual feedback.

Now I'm just waiting for her to explain what this Q-Tales platform thing is, because it sounds good but it's easy to make stuff sound good.
There's two website results for q-tales
Theres the .eu site

And theres the .com site.

Confusingly theyre both related to childrens books but I think it's probably the latter.
 It's worth noting that neither have a public showcase of portfolios so I don't think it's anything to get too giddy about.  Unless its like a super secret members only club where all the publishers prey on portfolios. who knows.
Milena knows. She just hasn't told me yet.

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