Sunday 17 April 2016

Hallmark research

I never really considered greetings cards and whatnot as part of my practice.
Not that I don't think I would do it, I've just never actively done it, other than cards I've made for family and friends birthdays and weddings and stuff.

I also am realising I know little to nothing about card trends and whats going on in that industry at all
I never even buy greetings cards because I make them
But the ones I make are either horrible through request, or very specialist to the person I'm making it for.

So I'm doing some research

Tigerprint and Hallmark seem to have murged

Here's some of Tigerprints offerings through M&S

Yep this is nifty for mainstream humour
I'm on board

This ones quite nice
Quite twee
I guess a lot of cards are twee
I can probably do twee

This is pretty
I'm not great at flowers though
Flowers seem to be a strong motif throughout

This ones a really lovely drawing tainted by the record wheels gimic.
What is the relevance of the record wheels
They just distract unnecessarily from the charm of that ink line

I've made a pinterest board of the kinda stuff going on on pinterest
The beating heart of twee craft illustration
It looks like I'm gonna have to practice my naive hand-drawn type

Follow Hollie's board Greetings Cards on Pinterest.

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