Sunday 17 April 2016

Lisk Feng

Lisk Feng is one of my favourites at the minute, and for a while now.

She's great, great colours, composition, clarity, charm. She's got it all

I can't figure out her process

It looks like a digital traditional hybrid
Or maybe she's just really good at either one
I really can't tell

Her practise is quite varied, she seems to work commercially for editorial and advertising but also has done comics and has personal work that seems to feed into her commercial projects.

It's basically the career I want, editorial and advertising for money, comics, books and personal work for fun and sanity.

Here are some favourites

Pink and blue, classic.
The yellow really POPs out too 
Great clouds
Textures, what are they, natural or digital
How did she doooo this
I think, on closer inspection it might be digital painting, textured brushes.

So anyway I emailed her today 

This is said email

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