Friday 8 April 2016


The AOI talk was a reality bomb straight to the face.
Mostly a positive bomb, as in, this is a legit career that you can do and make a load of money if you do it right.
Also a negative bomb because I'll have to do all the serious business to be good and I'm not good at that.. I'm basically rubbish at all real skills and anything except the actual drawing. And sometimes event that too.

She blasted through a lot about licensing which was useful, to get hard facts about what actually happens, i.e you will lease an image for this long for this much money.
And she talked through how to price different jobs and how to find out more about a secret client to figure out how much money you can get from them

We got forms for accepting commissions and printed notes, which is good because theres no way i'd remember all this stuff and forms are useful

I think I will join the aoi, especially while its still discounted, cos I'm not sure I could manage it without the kind of crutch they provide. I need help with this stuff it is haaarrrrddd.

I feel a little more prepared now though. And baffled. Prepaffled

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