Monday 18 April 2016


It's well established that I hate presentations, or even just talking in front of more than four people, so this was like ultimate worst nightmare - presenting my practice and degree and career plans in front of everyyyyonnnee.

I was even nauseous/nervous while making the presentation, the distress basically made me ill. And in the running order I was second to last, so I had the stress dragged out over two excrutiating days, which definitely hindered my enjoyment of everyone elses presentations. Saying that I did still enjoy watching everyone, even though it took fooorrreveeerrrrrrr, but it was nice seeing where everyone is at now and how they got there, and theres a massive diversity in everyones practises. Although watching how great all the other presentations were just made me dread mine even more.

When it came to it I was basically sure my throat was gonna close up and I'd choke and die at the front of the room, but I didn't so that's a success.
I really have no idea how it went because it was a surreal blur and I can't remember anything I actually said. This year I had notes on the screen under the slides because from the past two years I've learnt I can't read sheets of notes when I'm presenting. Or read at all it turns out because I mostly ignored my notes and blabbered on about I literally can't remember what. It has been repressed from my brain. 

My feedback was fine, just affirming that the presentation was alright and I need to figure out where I sit in the industry, but I have forgotten a lot of that because of my temporary presentation stress induced amnesia. I ran over a little bit too but I don't know how long because the timer restarted when I had to quit powerpoint to make my images happen. 

But it's over now and I won't have to do it again, except in future career and probably all the time. At least I've got better at it over the three years though, it's now vaguely coherent, I just hope presenting won't form the basis of my practice in future. 

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