Monday 19 May 2014

Tennessee Williams

A celebrity death: playwrite tenessee williams died choking on the lid of his eye drops
need to use close-ups, make it clear whats happening as story revolves around details. mouth close up should be slightly too detailed to an almost grotesque degree

experimenting with colour to show choking, quite liked the dry texture of the blue fingerpainted gouache, this could be something to use one day. need to work on making the progression of instances clearer, more emphasised perhaps

more structured plan, i think it reads much better now but theres several parts that again need to be clearer. i tried a different angle for the eye dropping panel to depict both the head flicking back sharply and the application of the drops which I hadn't captured in my previous close up sketch. perhaps also I need another panel where he is shown to have died, again to make the story clearer. I could split the bottom into three panels and show his body in the final one

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