Thursday 22 May 2014

Other comics planned

I realised I won't have time to make a complete book of comics to the standard I would like to achieve before the studio deadline so I briefly planned all the other comics I could make with a view to finalising them after the deadline for the final show, making it more of a personal project. Really I'd like to have another comic to add to my works that I could potentially sell copies of at Thoughtbubble in November.
A man who tried to demonstrate his top floor offices unbreakable glass windows by running into them but then fell when the glass popped out of the frame intact. I'm not sure how well the movement of this story can be captured, I shall try some more angles to show him throwing his body against the glass and the startlingness of the glasses absence. Trying to use a mixture of close up and further away viewpoints. Should make the run in the third panel comically ridiculous so as to not make this comic tense.

Hans Steininger had a very long beard which he usually kept in a pouch but when he couldnt find it he was forced to leave the house beard waving free. As a result he stepped on the beard, tripping over and breaking his neck. Again need to depict this as silly and morbidly amusing and stray away from gruesome broken neck vibes. Using first two panels to set up the death, I like the pacing of this one so far, its very instant and self explanatory because of the set-up. Need to improve the fall.

Draco took to a theatre stage where he was applauded violently and showered with appreciative coats and hats, which he eventually suffocated in a pile of when the crowd became too enthusiastic. This one will be difficult to make visually interesting as most of the piles are shots of the same growing pile of coats. Perhaps I could use this repetitive nature as a comedic device.

A man who posed for a picture with a beaver which then attacked him until he bled to death. Focusing on the man's stupidity and the beavers comedic evilness. Ill depict the pools of blood but not focusing on the gore of bleeding to death, rather on the out-of-panel friends reaction and the beaver's merciless attitude

Perhaps the strangest of these deaths is Dancing Mania, or more specifically the Dancing Plague of 1518 where a woman began dancing uncontrollably for days, eventually with the whole town joining in and many of them dying from exhaustion and heart attacks (not funny, steer clear of unfunny details). Should highlight mayors amusing solution: to erect a stage and perform live music for them to dance along to. Need to crazify those dance movements, contrast against lifelessness of background

Showing death of start character among crazy dancing in background, balances silliness of inexplicable dance plague and horror of dying from exhaustion after uncontrollably dancing for weeks.

The mayor and some other authority figure discuss solutions, close up on characters to focus on their conversation whilst showing continuing problem in the background. Would like to use a ding lightbulb panel but not sure where to fit it as these panels are both well suited to large landscape frames. 

Thinking how to lay out the Dance Plague comic over a double page spread. I think it's nice to have a more prolonged strip in with the one page comics to slow down the pace  little. There's quite a lot to fit on though especially when I have two half page panels.

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