Tuesday 29 December 2015

Thought Bubble

Thoughtbubble was jolly good fun and I learnt a lot.
This year we were initially rejected which really bummed me out but then like a month before the deadline we got a table cos someone cancelled so then it was a mad rush of making stuff in that month to make it a feasible 603 brief and therefor not a waste of time. So i suppose a months preparation is better than the week I gave it last year, when I knew about it way in advance. I am growing as a human, slowly but surely.

The Thursday night there was a little event on at LS6 that Adam Becky and Tom were doing where they drew people live in the bar and there was a little comics exhibition. I initially declined to attend because I had a billion things to finish up before Saturday but in the end they were still there after we left college at nine so I went and joined in. It was a real test to the drawing skills having people right in front of you and sketching them live, in pen, next to like five other illustrators. People seemed to enjoy it though and they were free so it's fine. Nearer the end the management gave us a donation pot and we got like £16 in the last half an hour cos some guy gave us a tenner. 

When it came to the actual event I was very grumpy because the night before at work I'd been given a flu jab and thus had a mild but quite debilitating case of fake flu.
I soldiered on though because I am very hardcore. After a litre bottle of pink lucozade I was back in the game.
Once I felt better I took advice from Kristyna, when she said at the zine fair, that she stands up at the table to get her more actively into talking to people and look more approachable. It did work it forced me to talk to people and them to talk to me, and I had a lot of nice chats.

There was one girl who was also an illustrator and she said I was way undervaluing my work and bought some stuff but paid me double for it
Then a guy came who bought giant tess last year and came back to see if I had something new
Then Mark Ellerby bought my giant tess
And eat sleep sniff bought some stuff too
And adams grandparents bought my cabaret poster
And I had a chat with a guy who claimed to hate digital work till I told him mine was significanlty digital and he hadnt realised and it blew his mind
There were many more pleasant interactions but these are the main ones I can remember right now.
The best sellers were the posters, at a fiver each, and I sold all 18 so yeah maths
Aside from that I sold out of tinder and cat zines, people have predictable tastes.
Giant tess did a lot better this year, i only sold two last year, one to the guy who came back and one to a girl called tess, but this year i sold way more just by redesigning the cover, so that paid off, 
In the end I made just short of £200, which when you put it down to earnings per hour is quite poor and doesnt match up to my dentists job BUTTT it was £200 earnt doing something i ENJOYED, both making and selling the work, it was more of a social experience than a job, so despite the low hourly rate i'll be applying again next year

In the brief time i had to look around I bought some pretty rad stuff
I spent like £40 at drawn and quarterlys table cos I got the 25 years book with all the special convention ephemera they add for events its so nice, and Adult conteperary which he signed and its really nice and we talked for a while
Broco and friends are the most hilarious comics I've read in a long time, if not ever
the world is by the swedish risograph guys and they seem to have expanded significantly since last year
Theres a lot of great stuff going on when you filter through all the back issues of batman

Sunday 6 December 2015

I want to buy a futuro house

they're really cool
here's some proof 

they were really cheap and easy to make until the oil crisis
then the materials became real expensive and they fell out of favour
there's hardly any left because they got torn down
they sell for several thousand pounds
but i want one
a man lives in one 
i saw it on channel 4
so i can do it too

i dont know if theyre prettier delapidated or renovated

Saturday 5 December 2015

Kyle Webster

I am a recent convert to the magic of Kyle Websters photoshop brushes, particularly Pastel Palooza, which I currently use for everything.

I also appreciate his practice because of it's variety.
He seems to be able to switch aesthetic styles with ease and makes work in many different ways, digitally.

It's nice that he doesn't have a set style and can be versatile for clients, I think this would suit my practisce

He sent out an email about a new brush pack, which I want, but I don't want to get it if theyre in the megapack I already have, so I asked him
I sent over my travelling man drawing too 

My email has presented this in a funny manor cos it thinks hes an evil spam bot for some reason

Tuesday 1 December 2015

sketchbook dump

i keep doing loads of drawings on stuff everywhere and forgetting to collect them together
although its difficult to cos a lot of them are on the back of my forms at work
but heres some that i do have

Wednesday 25 November 2015

beckys birthday card

its the best bad photoshopping ive ever done
its fun using photoshop to actually photoshop stuff 

comic sans <3 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Monday 26 October 2015


started making a new logo portrait thing but its kinda scary as hell

Wednesday 14 October 2015


okay so i got an email like half an hour ago from the thoughtbubble people saying there have been cancellations so if i still want it i can have a table now
so now i need to plan how to do this in a month
it is exactly a month from today
but i hadnt timetabled it into my life obviously
and ive no idea what im gonna make
i think ill have to do fan art
even though i hate fan art
well i hate the idea of fan art
or more the fact that people will only buy fan art
because its stuff they recognise
and they dont give a fuck about things ive put effort and authorship and all that into


fan art?

what do i like....

i like buffy,
i could make buffy fan art without getting too sad

so if this can count towards one of my significant briefs for 603 which i hope it can, that means i can use tuesdays to make thoughtbubble work, but theres only like for tuesdays left so thats no where near enough, maybe i'll have to use mondays and do more ppp after thoughtbubble, and weekends, weekends are necessary.
oh god they couldnt have decided this sooner could they
goodness sake

okay so what do i need to do

i need to make some fan art
but i cant make only fan art or ill cry at night
so i could make i comic of the little three panel heady leggy comic strips i started doing
and i can sell the zine were selling on the college table
what about the old comics
i dont know, maybe they just need recovering and reprinting
i can do that
maybe buffy postcard packs
my friend joe asked me to draw a picture for him the other day that was mulder and scully busting the breaking bad people by their rv and theres like a meth addicted t-rex bursting out and like a tardis flying past for no reason
that seems like the perfect fan art
because at once it appeals to the buyers of fan art, and i think its absurdity subtley reflects my cynicism for fan art
im going to pick his brain for more nonsense
okay so as long as i do equal parts cop and thoughtbubble i think i can basically do just those two things until thoughtbubble, its only a month so i wont be behind in ppp and i will be ahead in 603, and maybe, just maybe, ill actually make a profit this time
kill me

Monday 5 October 2015

copying the past to be original in the present

so i saw this picture of a new yorker cover from 1930

it reminded me very much of that painting of dogs that ping zhu did


i wonder if it was intentional

if so it opens up a potential to take ideas from the past that most have long since forgotten and use their framework to quickly make work thats impressive to a current audience because its different to other work being made. because its from the past. but developed and finely tuned to be suitable in the current market, which the old image probably wouldnt be.

somat to ponder.

all hail ping zhu.


we went to see made you look at hyde park on thursday
i found it very engaging and frequently helpful, as was the following panel discussion
my favourite part was where ian stevenson described twitter as like shouting into a cupboard
the whole thing stirred many thoughts which i shall attempt to write now
-should i run away to the woods and live of the berries i can forage and only draw with twigs and animal blood
-no probably not
-but should i stop spending so much time looking at screens
-what is the practical purpose of candy crush and if i cant find it why am i still inclined to play it
-do i need the internet to live
-because technically no i don't, but i am of a generation that has grown with the internet and technology, i don't know anything else
- what would the effect be, mentally and physically, of quitting it all
-is it even wise to quit these things, especially at this formative time in life where online communities are a valuable source of feedback and word of mouth and a valid way of gaining an audience
-how did people do stuff before internet, like get people to see their work, or find a picture of a dog to draw, did you actually jsut have to go and find a dog? or a dog book? things must have taken forever
-i need to communicate with more humans more often, the reliance on the internet has robbed me of this skill with it no longer being necessity
-what is my process, i dont think i have it down yet it seems to change every time i do something, does it need to be consistent?

this could go on but im going to go and do something else now

Friday 2 October 2015

im in love im in love

with maria kalman

our values are in sync
i want to live her life

ive said about 8 times this week
all i want to do is walk around and look at stuff
and collect it mentally
well she does that but paints the things she loves and its nice

and i read these books

and they read like her mind seems to work
her paintings look theraputic
theyre playful and they arent attempting to prove anything to anyone, about her skill or creativity or talent
theyre very ernest and intelligently naive and playful in a logical and well read way
and its images with words, put together to acheieve what neither could alone, but not in a stilted structured way like comics. theyre like a livestream of thoughts. enlighteningly so. i want to sit and paint with her and discuss the shoes people wear and the cheerful colours of the buildings we see.


Wednesday 30 September 2015

hashtag illustration

I've been exploring the illustration hashtag lately with an often morbid fascination.
of course there's legitimately good things on there but I'm finding myself more drawn towards the questionable. Some of the things are fascinating and I can't fathom if they're awful or genius.

yesterday I found this woman called Jannie Hansen

there's something intriguing about this horrible drawing
i dont get it
but in another way
i do..?

look at this
its hilarious
its time to dance
childrens heads..?...!
who knows

whats this about
please i wish i knew
triangle legs?

this next human is called nov_vsee
theres something crazy going on

is this a small child or a proper art person

i just cannot tell but this picture is so happy

look at that
his eyes are many
who made this who and why

why is this good
i dont even know if it is good but i like what ever it is

now this next person i am infinitely fascinated with
called goraku0831 they have 17 followers and their description reads
i'm japanese.love make up,Art,music.....

but theyre a new kinda crazy


what on earth is that
what is it
heart head man, sos, flower lady, one sock?

eyecontact? tits?
horned mask


crying wolf hat???????????

fingers fingers funny fingers

hes got his fork and spoon all ready
ready for the crescent head party

caption: I LOVE NASA!

i cant get enough

they dont make any sense

but they just keep getting better

and better


Wednesday 16 September 2015

Leeds Zine Fair

We decided to get a table at the zine fair this year, it was back in August now, but tables were only a tenner so we split it between the four of us - £2.50 each nice one.

I had loads of left over stock from Thoughtbubble so I saw this as a chance to try and flog some of that without spending any extra time or money making anything.

I did at first want to remake Giant Tess for the event but I decided against it as it wouldve taken ages and been pretty disappointing if I didn't sell any.

They held it at Left Bank this year, which conveniently is about a four minute walk away from our house so that meant I could sleep in in the morning and do the afternoon shift. (I got in really late the night before cos I went to London to see Book of Mormon for the 1000th time)

Here's the table
Wow what a blurry photo. Good job Adam.

It was quite a nice afternoon, I sold a couple of things, mostly the Harold and Maude posters.
I also gained a fan, who I now keep calling my fan. He bought stupid deaths in the morning before I got there and then he came back and bought everything else I had and said how much he enjoyed reading it and he got a harold and maude poster and got me to sign it, so that was real cute.
 We sat next to Kristyna which was nice. Had some brief chats, and bought one of her comics that had hand coloured bits and little gold staples (when we got in I bought some coloured staples of amazon).
One of her tips was standing up at the table which I did for a bit but I'm also very lazy.

Aside from that it was relatively uneventful.

In the end I made about £14 with which I bought gelato and some nice food from the co-op.

Monday 18 May 2015

PPP Presentation

here's my ppp pressentation
i am dreading the presenting
but it will be over soon and it shouldnt be too bad
i thought i hadnt done much this year but it turns out i did so thats cool

final promo pack

pleased with how it turned out printed
as i hoped the roughness and errors in my drawing are barely visible at the intended size
i made the whole pack fit into a matchbox so everything was business card proportions, 8.5 x 5.5
i wanted it to be small and unassuming, unobtrusive, but filled with faux-bragging, i hope the size of the actual item contradicts the faux brag in a way that makes it subconsciously clear that i am meeker than the pack would ironically suggest
its cute and satisfying to hold
i decided to make the matchbox with the inlay pattern of the comic and red, which i had to print both sides of and colour in red on the edges so there'd be no white
i didnt end up printing out small exampls of my work because the pack is example enough, and it wouldve ruined the colour scheme, brand consistency and whatnot
also my blog link is there so there's no need for little versions of work to be in it
im content i think it went well

online presence

i've been working on my online presence, here's what i've set up




(they let you have a shop for free and you make double money for the first £1000)

behance, still workin on it 
