Wednesday 16 September 2015

Leeds Zine Fair

We decided to get a table at the zine fair this year, it was back in August now, but tables were only a tenner so we split it between the four of us - £2.50 each nice one.

I had loads of left over stock from Thoughtbubble so I saw this as a chance to try and flog some of that without spending any extra time or money making anything.

I did at first want to remake Giant Tess for the event but I decided against it as it wouldve taken ages and been pretty disappointing if I didn't sell any.

They held it at Left Bank this year, which conveniently is about a four minute walk away from our house so that meant I could sleep in in the morning and do the afternoon shift. (I got in really late the night before cos I went to London to see Book of Mormon for the 1000th time)

Here's the table
Wow what a blurry photo. Good job Adam.

It was quite a nice afternoon, I sold a couple of things, mostly the Harold and Maude posters.
I also gained a fan, who I now keep calling my fan. He bought stupid deaths in the morning before I got there and then he came back and bought everything else I had and said how much he enjoyed reading it and he got a harold and maude poster and got me to sign it, so that was real cute.
 We sat next to Kristyna which was nice. Had some brief chats, and bought one of her comics that had hand coloured bits and little gold staples (when we got in I bought some coloured staples of amazon).
One of her tips was standing up at the table which I did for a bit but I'm also very lazy.

Aside from that it was relatively uneventful.

In the end I made about £14 with which I bought gelato and some nice food from the co-op.

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