Monday 18 May 2015

final promo pack

pleased with how it turned out printed
as i hoped the roughness and errors in my drawing are barely visible at the intended size
i made the whole pack fit into a matchbox so everything was business card proportions, 8.5 x 5.5
i wanted it to be small and unassuming, unobtrusive, but filled with faux-bragging, i hope the size of the actual item contradicts the faux brag in a way that makes it subconsciously clear that i am meeker than the pack would ironically suggest
its cute and satisfying to hold
i decided to make the matchbox with the inlay pattern of the comic and red, which i had to print both sides of and colour in red on the edges so there'd be no white
i didnt end up printing out small exampls of my work because the pack is example enough, and it wouldve ruined the colour scheme, brand consistency and whatnot
also my blog link is there so there's no need for little versions of work to be in it
im content i think it went well

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