Monday 5 October 2015


we went to see made you look at hyde park on thursday
i found it very engaging and frequently helpful, as was the following panel discussion
my favourite part was where ian stevenson described twitter as like shouting into a cupboard
the whole thing stirred many thoughts which i shall attempt to write now
-should i run away to the woods and live of the berries i can forage and only draw with twigs and animal blood
-no probably not
-but should i stop spending so much time looking at screens
-what is the practical purpose of candy crush and if i cant find it why am i still inclined to play it
-do i need the internet to live
-because technically no i don't, but i am of a generation that has grown with the internet and technology, i don't know anything else
- what would the effect be, mentally and physically, of quitting it all
-is it even wise to quit these things, especially at this formative time in life where online communities are a valuable source of feedback and word of mouth and a valid way of gaining an audience
-how did people do stuff before internet, like get people to see their work, or find a picture of a dog to draw, did you actually jsut have to go and find a dog? or a dog book? things must have taken forever
-i need to communicate with more humans more often, the reliance on the internet has robbed me of this skill with it no longer being necessity
-what is my process, i dont think i have it down yet it seems to change every time i do something, does it need to be consistent?

this could go on but im going to go and do something else now

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