Wednesday 14 October 2015


okay so i got an email like half an hour ago from the thoughtbubble people saying there have been cancellations so if i still want it i can have a table now
so now i need to plan how to do this in a month
it is exactly a month from today
but i hadnt timetabled it into my life obviously
and ive no idea what im gonna make
i think ill have to do fan art
even though i hate fan art
well i hate the idea of fan art
or more the fact that people will only buy fan art
because its stuff they recognise
and they dont give a fuck about things ive put effort and authorship and all that into


fan art?

what do i like....

i like buffy,
i could make buffy fan art without getting too sad

so if this can count towards one of my significant briefs for 603 which i hope it can, that means i can use tuesdays to make thoughtbubble work, but theres only like for tuesdays left so thats no where near enough, maybe i'll have to use mondays and do more ppp after thoughtbubble, and weekends, weekends are necessary.
oh god they couldnt have decided this sooner could they
goodness sake

okay so what do i need to do

i need to make some fan art
but i cant make only fan art or ill cry at night
so i could make i comic of the little three panel heady leggy comic strips i started doing
and i can sell the zine were selling on the college table
what about the old comics
i dont know, maybe they just need recovering and reprinting
i can do that
maybe buffy postcard packs
my friend joe asked me to draw a picture for him the other day that was mulder and scully busting the breaking bad people by their rv and theres like a meth addicted t-rex bursting out and like a tardis flying past for no reason
that seems like the perfect fan art
because at once it appeals to the buyers of fan art, and i think its absurdity subtley reflects my cynicism for fan art
im going to pick his brain for more nonsense
okay so as long as i do equal parts cop and thoughtbubble i think i can basically do just those two things until thoughtbubble, its only a month so i wont be behind in ppp and i will be ahead in 603, and maybe, just maybe, ill actually make a profit this time
kill me

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