Friday 8 January 2016


I got this book out from the library out of pure visual fascination

It's distressing and brilliant.

Nice contents page
like a newspaper
really strangely tight to the side of the page

this is like that bit in mean girls, is this like an art trope or something
or maybe a reference

this is terrifying

great colours

gives me that fear of little holes, like sponges
kneeling on gravel? something textured 
theres sexualised school girl vibes going on here
whys she on her kneess

such fascinatingly horrid imagery


not sure if more disgusted by the bugs or that fat pink meat sausage with white bits in it

so anyway i looked at this book for quite a long time with no idea what it actually was or why it existed or even when it came into being
so i took to the internet and found their website

and i was not disappointed

best website ever
everything moves and makes sounds when you hover over it

its so horrible
its like when homer makes that website with jesus on it

that one

i want my website to be like this
but also maybe not
it could be offputting
maybe i can encorporate elements...

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