Wednesday 28 January 2015

SWOT for Nobrow

I figured the biggest competition for our idea would be the Nobrow magazine as it's already successful and has a similar anthology premise.

High production values stemming from a life long interest in print and investment into the quality. It's made to be a desirable object for peoples coffee tables and book collections.
Quality of content from an accumulated network of skilled practitioners. 
Choice of limited palette in complimentary colours

Expensive. Granted for the production values it's not unreasonably priced but at £15 each they're hardly the most affordable magazine on the market
All the work they support follows a house style and they are particularly biased towards work of the same aesthetic. Also the contributions mostly stem from the same insular community of illustrators which disallows newer talents to be considered in the same way.

They don't exhibit talent from new illustrators who need a place to start in publishing as they have such high standards for their submissions
As far as I'm aware they don't make an annual issue of the best of the magazine, probably because they don't produce enough of them in the year to do so.

It relies on people having disposable income so if the country entered a dire state of economic depression there would be no place for well crafted high priced illustration anthologies. But that could be said of a lot of the discipline I suppose

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