Wednesday 28 January 2015

Presentation Stuff

Who are we
A group of practitioners publishing the work of lesser known artists in quarterly journals.
We aim to create exposure for unpublished or under sung illustrators by distributing the work they contribute.
We will publish an annual collection of our favourite entries throughout the year which will be accompanied by release event for the contributors and other associates from the area.
Dependant on success we will enlist the help of more established practitioners to contribute work or curate an issue.
The work will be un-named so it can be appreciated for it's strength rather than its fame, or lack thereof, but basic contact details such as websites will be included in the back of the journal. Further details can be obtained through us to set up collaborations and we will work as an agency for the people who's work we publish.
Our main aims are to bring exposure to new artists and produce a high quality but affordable illustrative journal.

 Who are we influenced by


Girls Who Draw

Drawn and Quarterly

Its nice that annual

McSweeneys Quarterly Concern


Leeds zine fair


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