Monday 18 May 2015

PPP Presentation

here's my ppp pressentation
i am dreading the presenting
but it will be over soon and it shouldnt be too bad
i thought i hadnt done much this year but it turns out i did so thats cool

final promo pack

pleased with how it turned out printed
as i hoped the roughness and errors in my drawing are barely visible at the intended size
i made the whole pack fit into a matchbox so everything was business card proportions, 8.5 x 5.5
i wanted it to be small and unassuming, unobtrusive, but filled with faux-bragging, i hope the size of the actual item contradicts the faux brag in a way that makes it subconsciously clear that i am meeker than the pack would ironically suggest
its cute and satisfying to hold
i decided to make the matchbox with the inlay pattern of the comic and red, which i had to print both sides of and colour in red on the edges so there'd be no white
i didnt end up printing out small exampls of my work because the pack is example enough, and it wouldve ruined the colour scheme, brand consistency and whatnot
also my blog link is there so there's no need for little versions of work to be in it
im content i think it went well

online presence

i've been working on my online presence, here's what i've set up




(they let you have a shop for free and you make double money for the first £1000)

behance, still workin on it 


505 Project report evaluation

Sunday 17 May 2015

print problems

printing was not without its hassles
mostly related to the size of the booklet, meaning there was much aligning to be done so the page would print out in the same place on each side of the paper (my printer doesn't do double sided)
i figured out a system though where i stacked the pages atop eachother, centered both ways and only revealed the ones i wanted printing each time
there were many errors, as can be seen here

final drawings

here's the pages of my final mini creative cv comic thing
i think it turned out okay but i would've liked to have spent more time on the drawings and the whole thing in general
it looks okay though, i like the colours i chose to use because they look neat and pleasant but arent particularly bold in their statements or intentions, its not a set of colours that say a lot about the content i think they're fairly basic and ignorable which fits this purpose because any bold colour statement in the wrong direction would leave a different first impression to my intention
i really like the cloud blue pencil, eventhough sometimes it doenst show up best after scanning

Saturday 16 May 2015

promo pack prep

after briefly planning my project pack before i have now drawn the images i intend to use in it
my aim was faux bragging, theyre loosly based on skills i have but massively exaggerated, as i always get told i undersell projects or myself or im not good and pitching things and whatnot, so this time im overselling
hopefully it comes across how i intened, as a joke, and people i send it to dont just think im an arrogant maniac

Monday 11 May 2015

maira kalman

when the stress of deadlines and working becomes too much i escape into the library and read the first interesting thing i lay eyes on
this time it was this book my maira kalman

it was formatted like a diary over months and each month seemed to focus on a different american president or political topic but all retold through playful gouach and handwriting in a very personable and enjoyable way, strong tone of voice due to reportage/diary format
it ended up strongly influencing my use of text in the 505 final images because she use handwriting as part of the image
oddly it was also strongly linked to the musical assassins which ive been listening to repeatedly to keep up morale while working
and it was the first book i was drawn to on the shelf
aren't coincidences peculiar
anyway i love her

Wednesday 6 May 2015

initial sketches

for my promo pack im planning to take inspiration from chris wares mini comic for the lambiek comic shop in amsterdam, i got a free one when i went to visit, apparently you can sell em or £40 but i want to keep it cos its cute

here's my intial plans
ill make a little mini comic that exageratedly brags about skills i have, or slightly have, and that will go in a little box or envelope or matchbox with my business cards and some small examples of my work 

sara fanelli 505

following my tutorial and the discussion of avoiding large bodies of text as instructed i looked at sarah fanelli's work to see how text can be part of the illustration and the drawing takes the main area of the page. in my mock up the text was the main area and there's no need for that because thats not what i do, so now im looking at incorprating the text into the illustration however seemlessly i can manage
now trying to find more people working this way

Saturday 2 May 2015


sent some messages out when i saw things i wanted to be involved with,
here they are

correspondance with the person who runs humans of leeds, about the web banner illustrations
he was pleasant to speak to and minimised my stress with this hectic brief

i also sent out this message to the debrief via facebook where i was directed to an email adress
they havent replied yet but oh well ill try again
id like to work for them they have a tone of voice in their publication conducive to that of my work
i think it would be fun

i also emailed the leeds uni musicals society because i saw a poster for one of their shows and it was rubbish, and this would combine my two greatest loves, drawing and musicals
they havent even seen the message yet though so i think the page may be a little dormant and i couldnt find and email

Friday 1 May 2015

animated illustrations/gifs

I'm quite certain i've decided to go down the animated versions route and abandon the ephemera
mostly because i have no idea what the point of the ephemera was, except that i thought it would be nice to hold and have accompanying a book, and i wanted to make it
i think the reason that i couldnt find a name for that kind of book (with accompanying ephemera) or many examples of them is that its probably something that never really took off

so instead i'll side with the future, the tablet, the ebook, the kindle
the book can be available as a hard print copy with (obviously) stationary drawings, but there will be a link sold with the book to access or download the digital animated version of the book
i suppose the purpose of this would be that it's more engaging children and vaguely interactive
also it means i get to animate again
also product range and distribution etc.... greater range because the book is available physically and digitally, easier to access wherever whenever, and can be an easier way to distribute the book, no need for costly print because it exists online

anyway here's some stuff i've been looking at in reference to this new plan

(issuu won't take gifs so they'll have to just be like this) 

i think they absolutely have to loop perfectly otherwise they are awful and there's no point, they would begin to catch the eye for bad reasons and become distracting on the page

also added some gif stuff to my 505 pinboard