Friday 10 April 2015

pints and pencils

I went to a monthly drawing competition evening called Pints and Pencils at fab cafe, run by the owners of Travelling Man.
We had to draw onto this photocopied image of a bear
I had fun with it because I'd spent all day working so I just made silly pictures
Turns out the guys judging it all thought they were hilarious
I was awarded both first and second prize, but they didn't realise I did both, so a vote evaluated whether i was to turn the prize to the next runner up (which was Rowena) or whether my 'talent overrides' and i should be awarded both. The vote went in my favour which meant I got second prize of £15 to spend at travelling man, and first prize of 20 to spend at travelling man, so now I'm rolling in comics vouchers. Ideal prizes. Also now I know that my tastes and humour are in line with that of the travelling man owners so should I try and sell my comics with them they may be more willing now.

Anyway, drawings

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