Monday 27 January 2014

Another blog

This is a tumblr I've been using to collect, as it states, 'appealing visuals', which i define basically as anything that looks good, photos, drawings, all that kind of stuff. I figure it links to my PPP blog as it's a collection of all the images currently influencing my practice. 

My time management

We filled in this sheet as a task to plan every block of hours in the following week. This task really helped me to break down my time and see where I was losing time unnecessarily. I stuck to it quite well but not perfectly, some of it was a little unrealistic and ambitious. 
 I've subsequently been using my diary to roughly plan out the activities for each day. This has been very useful to me as it allows me to see the time passing as a series of tasks which I think leads me to be more productive 

Time management session

In groups we made mindmaps of the biggest uses of our time, grouped into social, domestic and academic.

 We made a list of the ten things that take up most of our time.

Then we made ten rules that we were to follow to help us use our time more effectively in the coming weeks

I think I learned that my priorities go Academic, then Social, then Domestic, which is why I have a sink full of dirty dishes at the minute.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Lovely expensive book

Taschen have published this insanely beautiful book of the complete works of Hieronymous Bosch (who is my favourite of all the arty artists). It has fold outs and an embossed guilt title and I'm pretty sure it comes in a box. The sad news is its £100.

Time Management

Since I managed to get ill last week I haven't left my flat therefor have done very little, but I can still report on my time use for Monday before I was struck down and this weekend when I started to move again. (Also I couldn't work out how to type into the sheet)

PPP Session - 5 hours
Lunch - 1 hour
Break - 20 mins
Met boyfriend for second lunch - 1 hour
Essay research - 2 hours
Resting and watching Community - 1 hour
Cooking and eating dinner - 0.5 hours
Planning for visual narratives, thumbnails and story plans - 4 hours
Extra bits of time where I was putting of doing something else - 1 hour
Sleep - 7 hours

Waking up and lazing about in bed - 2 hours
Eating and cooking ( all day combined) - 2 hours
Inking pages for comic + short breaks of paying attention to the film thats on - 7 hours
Helping Rowena build a den - 2 hours
Hanging out in the den - 1 hour
Nap - 1 hour
Sleep - 8 hours

Inking comic pages - 7 hours
Eating - 2 hours
Washing sink full of pots - 1 hour
Reading stuff on Its Nice That - 1 hour
Watching 30 Rock - 1-2 hours
Typing up and posting this - 0.5 hours
Sorting ebay problem - 1 hour
Sleeping (I predict) - 6 hours

Thursday 9 January 2014

New Yorker covers

Found this archive of all the New Yorker covers, here's some of my favourites so far (there's A LOT to browse)

also its pretty fascinating to see how illustration trends vary across the decades, how the media and process develops and complies to trends and how the imagery changes in different periods like jazz age, war, post war, recent etc.

I wish they had titles or briefs though, and there's massive gaps in the recent covers, 2000 onwards